Here’s an article for those who are suffering from or just want to reduce your chances of getting cancer. Juicing is not some fad that will come and go. It is here to stay for a reason – because it works.
We did some extensive research on the fruits and vegetables that help in preventing cancer. We will also cover the nutrients and what wonderful benefits they have that aid in fighting cancer. Lastly, we’ll discuss the many other benefits that fruits and vegetables bring you. It’s good to have a little more fruits and veggies in your diet and cut down on meat. If you don’t eat much vegetables or fruits to begin with, supplementing it with some delicious juices will help you balance things out. We have already prepared some tasty recipes for you which we will cover in a bit.
Vegetables That Excel in Fighting Cancer
Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables are non-starchy vegetables, unlike potatoes or corn for example. They contain dietary fiber, folate, Carotenoids, vitamin C and K. These are excellent choices as they encourage cancer cells to die and also protects you from cancer-causing chemicals.
Dark green and leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuces and so on are excellent sources of fiber, folate, carotenoids and flavonoids.
Garlic is useful for preventing various cancers mostly in the digestive system like the esophagus, your stomach, lung, and also your colon. Studies by the AIC showed that garlic contains components that are also able to slow down or maybe even stop tumors from growing in the bladder, colon, and prostate.
Tomatoes. These bright red beauties may be useful in helping men prevent prostate cancer. They contain antioxidants such as lycopene and are also high in Vitamin A, C and also K.
Carrots! Juice them raw as they are loaded with cancer-fighting nutrients, vitamins flavonoids, and carotenoids.
Fruits That Are Best for Fighting Cancer
Apples. Now who doesn’t love ’em? These beauties are high in fiber and contain about 10-15 percent of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. Not forgetting they also help with weight loss!
Berries! Blue, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry or any other of your favorite berries. These are an excellent source of Vitamins C and K. Also high in dietary fiber and flavonoids. Berries contain many powerful antioxidants. These bad boys are small, yet are one of the fruits having the highest antioxidant power mostly due to their high levels of flavonoids. Berries make an excellent choice when it comes to anti-cancer foods.
Grapefruits, these orange wannabes are low in calories, that’s one, but it is also packed with vitamin C, carotenoids and dietary fiber. These help with cancer by helping with weight control as excess body fat increases the risks of you getting several different diseases.
Grapes with the skin-on. They contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties like resveratrol mainly to prevent damage known to trigger the process of cancer in a cell.
Other Healthy Options You Can Consider Adding to Your Favorite Juice Concoction
Green Tea. Choosing green tea is an excellent choice because it contains antioxidants such as catechins that prevent cancer by keeping free radicals from damaging cells. Studies say they lower the risk of cancer.
Soy milk, tofu or soybeans. They contain essential nutrients like protein and vitamins and fiber that lowers the risk of colorectal cancer. Soy has estrogen-like compounds and some people fear that it would cause hormone-related cancers. According to evidence, however, it is not true.
Walnuts. They fight against breast and prostate cancer by their phytosterols blocking estrogen receptors in cells and slow cancer cells’ growth.
Well, now that we’ve given you some information on what fruits and veggies are recommended, let’s get to the recipes.
Juice Recipes for Cancer
Live to Tell the Kale
2 cups of kale
A medium sized apple
Half a lemon
This juice is an excellent cancer fighter, and the benefits of these ingredients are numerous They contain flavonoids with antioxidant effects, anti-inflammatory, loaded with fiber, vitamin C, and folate. To add some flavor you can add some ginger, however much you want according to your preference.
Just Carrots.
Well, you may not think it’s enough but we’ll have you know that carrots are rich in cancer-fighting nutrients as we stated above in the “Vegetables that Excel in Fighting Cancer” section. We also know a person who had cancer but beat it by drinking loads of carrot juice! Some people said he drinks too much carrot, and it might be true because he turned orange!
The All Greens
1 cup of spinach
1 cucumber
optional: kale
This juice might not taste so good to some people, but I can assure you the benefits of this is unimaginable. Not forgetting it is also contains many anti-cancer properties.
Brocs’ n’ Rots’
5 carrots
4 stems of broccoli
1 garlic clove
Another juice great for fighting or keeping you healthy with some well-known vegetables, containing antioxidants like certain carotenoids and flavonoids.
Well, there you have it. There are some examples of juices you can try or add to your anti-cancer diet! Of course, if you think the recipes could be improved feel free to adjust it to your liking! You can use the information I gave above in choosing what to juice and maybe even come up with your customized version of cancer fighter juice. Note that these juices are just meant to help and may not prevent or cure any cancer. It is also very beneficial to your health in so many other ways.
Lastly, if you don’t have a juicer just yet and thinking of buying one, browse this website for complete reviews of the top juicers in the market. Read up and it will help you in deciding which one to get. Happy juicing!
andrew28 says
Second, another option is for a person to use the vegetable juices as one of several alternative cancer treatments as part of a Stage III cancer treatment. When using the vegetable juice in this manner, a strict cancer diet is required.
Adam says
Thanks for sharing, these recipes look good.